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Ayurved Store

Size Liquid 100 ml

Digestive stimulant for adult pets

Digyton PLUS stimulates the secretion of enzymes in the stomach, which aids the digestion of food.

Key Ingredients
Ayurveda texts and modern research back the following facts

Black pepper

Maricha has digestive, antiflatulent and sialagogue action that stimulates the secretion of saliva in the stomach. This aids overall digestion.Directions for Use:

The dosage can be altered according to the breed and/or the severity of the condition or as directed by the veterinarian:

-Dogs (Small breeds): 5ml twice daily
-Dogs (Large breeds): 10ml twice daily
-Cats: 2.5 ml twice daily

Product Type: Liquid

Thank You

Himalaya Digyton Plus Dogs Liquid 100 ml

SKU: liquid0045
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