Ayurved Store
Size Churna Powder 60 Gm
Shatavari is a thorny creeper, like a bush. Its root widely used for the management of female reproductive diseases. It contains
Shatavari has following major pharmacological actions and therapeutic uses -
1. Gynecological disorders Shatavari is widely used in ayurveda for the management of various female reproductive diseases. It is especially useful in the management of female infertility, low libido, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), habitual abortion, poor lactation, and hormonal imbalance after delivery.
2. Coronary artery disease Shatavari has been described as hridya in ayurveda. Studies reveal that it lowers the raised lipids – cholesterol and triglycerides - in the blood, thereby preventing the occurrence of atherosclerosis.
3. Mental depression Sushruta has described Shatavari as medhya. Scientific research tells us that Shatavari has got antidepressant activity. It can therefore be sued for the management of mental depression, especially in women.
4. Protection against diseases Shatavari has been described as rasayana. Scientific research tells us that Shatavari has got potent antioxidant activity. It thus protects against many diseases resulting from the damaging effect of free radicles. Thus, Shatavari could be used to for promotion of health and protection against diseases.
5. Inflammatory diseases Shatavari has been described as shotha-hara. Scientific research has proven that Shatavari is an excellent antiinflammatory drug. It acts by inhibiting the production and release of inflammatory mediators, like – cytokines, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, etc. Shatavari could be used to for the management of various inflammatory diseases.
6. Bacterial infection Research reveals that Shatavari possesses anti-bacterial activity. It can be used for the management of various bacterial infections.
Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus)
60 gm powder
80 g
10.6 x 4.6 x 4.6 cm
Available as:
Per bottle of 60 gm powder.
Thank You
Dr.Vasishth's Ayurvedic Shatavari Churna Powder 60 Gm
SKU: churan0012