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Ayurved Store

Product highlights

  • It helps in the treatment of asthma

  • It relieves irritation and dry cough

  • It aids in reducing asthmatic bronchitis

  • Information about Dr. Reckeweg R43 Bronchial Drop

    Dr. Reckeweg R43 Bronchial Drop helps manage symptoms of asthma and spastic bronchitis. It contains Bryonia, which helps with lung congestion, inflammation, and liver and metabolic issues. It also has Natrium chloratum, which aids in the relief of convulsions, dry cough, mucous membrane irritation, and asthmatic fits.
    Key Ingredients:

    • Arsenicum album

    • Bryonia

    • Natrium chloratum

    • Veratrum album

    • Yerba santa

    • Natrium sulfuricum

    • Belladonna

    • Carbo veg

    • Hypophysis

    • Kali phos

    • Alcohol

    Key Benefits:

    • It is beneficial in improving bronchial asthma and spastic bronchitis

    • It contains Bryonia, which aids in relieving lung congestion and inflammation and helps with liver and metabolic issues

    • It also has Natrium chloratum, which helps in reducing convulsion, dry cough, irritation of mucous membranes and asthmatic fits

    Directions For Use:
    Safety Information:

    • Read the label carefully before use

    • Do not exceed the recommended dosage

    • Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight

    • Keep out of reach of children

    Thank You

Dr Reckeweg Homoeopathy R43 Bronchial Drops 22 ml

Artikelnummer: drops00142
19,99$ Standardpreis
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