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Ayurved Store

Product highlights

  • Aids in supporting the nervous system

  • Enhances muscle strength of the body

  • Helps in the treatment of blood congestion

  • Information about Dr. Reckeweg R12 Calcification Drop

    Dr. Reckeweg R12 Calcification Drop can be helpful in the treatment of blood clotting issues, supporting the nervous system and hypersensitivity. It has Plumbum aceticum, which may help reduce hypertension and support brain functions. It also contains iodates, which can help to improve blood viscosity, support the thyroid glands, and relieve stiff muscles.
    Key Ingredients:
    Arnica, Aurum Chloratum, Barium Chloratum, Conium, Iodates, Glonoinum, Plumbum Aceticum
    Key Benefits:

    • Dr. Reckeweg R12 Calcification Drop can be beneficial in supporting the nervous system

    • It contains Plumbum aceticum, which can aid in relieving hypertension and supporting brain functions

    • It also has Iodates which can help enhance the viscosity of blood, supports thyroid glands and relieves stiff muscles

    Directions For Use:
    Use as directed on the label or as advised by your physician.
    Safety Information:

    • Read the label carefully before use

    • Do not exceed the recommended dosage

    • Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight

    • Keep out of reach of children

    Thank You

Dr Reckeweg Homoeopathy R12 Calcification Drops 22 ml

SKU : drops00112
19,99$ Prix original
14,99$Prix promotionnel
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